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​To promote an aspirational lifestyle which brings with it profound morphological and urban changes, new tendencies and tastes are sold to future buyers.

The images seduce and mislead with erroneous urban contexts, non existent neighbors, luxurious paraphernarlia- building on the supposition that the buyer is blind to these.  Details of the real city appear to remind us that we are in a utopian world.

Series made in Santiago, Chile, 2006-2010

Medium format color slide film.

Para promover un estilo de vida aspiracional que trae cambios morfológicos y urbanos profundos,  se vende nuevos gustos y tendencias a compradores futuros. 

Las imágenes seducen y engañan -contextos urbanos erróneos, vecinos inexistentes, parafernalias lujosas - se supone que el comprador no las ve.  Detalles de la ciudad real aparecen para acordarnos que estamos en un mundo utópico.

Series made in Santiago, Chile, 2006-2010

Medium format color slide film.

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