Chapter XII It Is What It Is. I have had momentous experiences of death in Chile from both near and far. Up close: a friend’s brother was killed by a drunk driver at midnight when he went out to buy cigarettes; an acquain- tance’s mother was crushed by a collapsed roof during the 2010 earthquake; four of my friends’ fathers were killed by Covid-19. And from afar I observed a country implementing social laws aimed at preventing unnecessary deaths, such as the Emilia Law (against drunk driving), the Gabriela Law (against femicide) and the Zamudio Law (anti-discrimination). I chose a language of perforation made in front covers of events to make abstracted photograms in order to represent number of deaths.
Capítulo XII Es Lo Que Hay. He vivido de cerca y de lejos grandes momentos de muerte en Chile. De cerca: el hermano de un amigo murió por culpa de un conductor ebrio a medianoche, cuando salió a comprar cigarros; la mamá de una conocida aplastada por el techo durante el terremoto de 2010; cuatro papás de amigos por el Covid-19. Y de lejos observé un país implementando leyes sociales creadas para frenar muertes innecesarias, como la Ley Emilia (por conducción en estado de ebriedad), la Ley Gabriela (contra el femicidio) y la Ley Zamudio (antidiscriminación). Elegí un lenguaje de perforación realizado en portadas de eventos para realizar fotogramas abstraídos con el fin de representar el número de muertes.